Specialists in Pain Management

Our bodies use pain as a way to communicate. Chronic pain is exhausting, frustrating and can be difficult to manage.

Our pain clinic employs a bio-psycho-social approach to help patients deal with their pain. This includes physiotherapy, medication in addition to the least invasive pain treatments. Injectable or oral medications are available.

The Services

Pain is a symptom of hundreds of diseases, injuries and conditions. It may be acute or chronic. It can also impact your mood, sleep, and the quality of your living. Experts in pain management provide patients medicinal and therapeutic treatments to alleviate pain and improve their standard of living.

The multidisciplinary approach they utilize for managing pain is aimed to help patients return to their normal lifestyle in the shortest time possible. These treatments include physiotherapy as well as medication, along with non-surgical procedures including Acupuncture and nerve block.

Castle Connolly recognizes them as Top Doctors. They have the most up-to-date equipment from trusted manufacturers of medical equipment like 3M GE and Siemens. Also, they are affiliated with hospitals, which means they are able to continue to provide care if needed. This gives you peace of mind that your treatment will be as complete as is humanly possible.

Therapy for physiotherapy

Physical therapy is an integral part of the treatment for chronic pain. It can aid in improving mobility, ease tension in muscles and restore normal sleep patterns. It can also be utilized to address depression and anxiety that could be the cause or worsening pain.

It is recommended that you find a clinic that offers multidisciplinary pain management. Physical therapists can identify and treat movement disorders and offer exercise advice. They could recommend Pilates, Yoga or Tai Chi as well as swimming as exercises that can decrease discomfort and improve overall health.

It is crucial to locate a clinic for pain that can provide psychological assistance (such as counselling, therapy and relaxation techniques) and physical treatment. This can aid in reducing depression and anxiety that can make your pain feel more severe and cause a decrease in your quality of life. It`s important to keep a chronic journal of your pain to keep track of your symptoms and the effects they have on you.


Pain Management

Pain is a natural component of the body`s communication system, and it can result from diseases, injuries, or illnesses. It is possible for pain to be severe and disappear as the injury heals or it can be chronic and last for many months or years. Pain specialists can control pain by using medication treatments, procedures and exercises.

A pain management specialist will spend the first appointment together, determining the specifics of your pain. The pain management specialist will request you to be able to describe and assess your pain, with particular interest to the triggers. Do remember to see a dr. bernard lee if you are unsure! Don`t save this kind of money.

The doctor will then conduct an examination of the body, during which they will press the affected area and move it around. For example blood tests or the use of x-rays could be used to determine the extent of your discomfort. They`ll provide you with an initial or working diagnosis in light of the results of tests and their experience.